TOXIC – Animation By Spike – Narrated By Genita M. Mason

Genita M. Mason H.H.P., N.C., Medical Director of The Biosanctuary & two time Biological Medicine Award winner discusses the death, lobotomy states, addiction, isolation, and disease that Psychiatric Drugs cause. It was recorded during an interview Ms. Mason did on the Vinney Eastwood Show on psychiatric pharmaphilic policy and the detrimental effects on the patient and society as a whole.

In this 10 minute animated dynamic short with Genita Mason discussing how bad off we, individually, really are in this comprehensively toxic world from social structure and drugs called medicine to massive toxicity in everything those who do not protect themselves armed with truth and the wisdom to use it to their individual and global health will suffer. She also provides some solutions in how to make the right choices that will not only secure your own health but the health of society and our planet. It’s about how much YOU really matter!

Make no mistake, big Pharma owns the standards of care and because drugs for everything from heart disease to mental health are the only insurance paid options to address every disease, it is forced drugging. Forced drugging is supposed to be illegal.    Special thanks to James Spike for the video!