The Invisible Crazy Makers – How The Toxic Environment Affects Mental Health ~ Part l

In my previous article, The War on Drugs has a New Battleground: Your Doctor’s Office, I pointed out the destructive influence that psychiatric drugs have on your body, brain /mind as well as on the environment and community we live in being responsible for a significant percentage of violent crimes such as murder, aggravated assault, home invasions and nearly all school shootings; suicide, car accidents, domestic violence calls and the decline of productive citizens due to the disabilities they cause.
It certainly wouldn’t be fair to expose this enormous problem that is tearing away at the very fabric of humanity and that we are all affected by without providing solutions to minimize and hopefully one day extinguish it permanently. These solutions would have to of course relieve the cause of the symptoms that send people to psychiatrists and doctors who will prescribe psychiatric drugs as opposed to utilizing the brilliant capacities of western medicine’s diagnostic tools to help them identify the root cause of their symptoms and heal the condition.