Psych Drugs Are Neurotoxic

Psychiatric Drugs Cause Brain Damage

Because psychiatric drugs are developed to affect neurochemistry they are “built” to specifically manipulate the function of neurons in the brain and nervous system. And just like all other neurotoxins, they are known to be “endocrine disruptors” which adversely affects hormonal balance.

From the very first dose, psychiatric drugs begin damaging the mitochondria of cells—the mitochondria is the energy production plant for the cell which uses carbohydrates to make energy for the cell to do what it is designed to do, repair and replicate. As the mitochondria becomes “sick” or sluggish, it is unable to create the energy that the cell requires to function and this results in the body (and brain) going into toxic overload because the cell doesn’t have the energy to detoxify or get the waste out.  When the mitochondria of cells become damaged there is no limit on what kind of disease or mental symptom can develop…