How We “Make the Soil Rich” for NAD+ Treatment
How We Improve NAD+ Treatment Results
- You will start your day with an infrared sauna and plenty of on-site developed rich mineral water to increase circulation, get waste out of the cells for better NAD+ delivery, and ensure proper hydration.
- You will then enjoy a nutrient rich house-made almond or cashew nut milk organic protein smoothie
- Oral Organic Superfood Supplements To Enhance NAD+ Efficacy & Well-Being
- An Organic Lunch & Cold Pressed Juice
- Every other day you will receive a nutritional Interveneous cocktail of specially prepared vitamins, minerals and amino acids known to assist NAD+ activity within the cells, maximising NAD+ potency and therapy
included in the NAD+ Treatment Cycle is:
*And we don’t charge any more than other clinics!
Molecular Hydrogen is required to convert NAD+ to NADH which is the molecule that drives ATP & the KREBs Cycle: H2 + NAD+ > H+ + NADH. It’s a SCIENTIFIC FACT. That is why The Ozone Treatment Center provides Professional Medical Grade Hydrogen Inhalation in every NAD+ treatment package.
Discover The Life Force & Health
Renewing Benefits Of NAD+
Renewing Benefits Of NAD+
Click Here To Watch Our Parkinsons’ Patient Walk Again Without Assistance After Just 10 Days Of NAD+ Comprehensive Therapy At The Ozone Treatment Center
What is NAD?
NAD+ stands for Nicotinamide Adenine Dinuculeotide. It is an essential molecule found in every cell of your body as it is the “gas” for the mitochondria’s ability to turn glucose and oxygen into energy (ATP). It is the coenzyme of Vitamin B3 (niacin), which is integral to the mitochondrial organelles. Enzymes are responsible for over 5,000 different biochemical reactions throughout the body and NAD+ participates in more reactions than any other vitamin-derived molecule. NAD+ is basically the building block of a healthy body that the brain, our internal organs and neurological systems need to function at optimal efficiency.
What does NAD do?
NAD+ is a coenzyme of niacin (B3) and is the essential “gas” for the energy producing mitochondria organelles within every cell of your body. All human cells have mitochrondria organelles within them that are responsible for producing the cell’s necessary energy to carry out the functions it is designed to which is why as NAD+ levels drop, cells become sluggish and signs of ageing progress, increasing the risk of disease and metabolic disorders. Cells can not function efficiently and oxidative stress begins taking its toll as toxins progressively accumulate within the cells. The brain and heart have the highest number of mitochondria organelles within each cell due to the high demands placed on these organs. This explains why low NAD+ levels can be initially experienced as the decline of brain function and acuity. Scientists have shown that NAD+ significantly decreases as we age, so it’s beneficial to replenish NAD+ levels so your body can function at optimal levels.
Common feedback from patients that have undergone NAD+ therapy in addition to relief from addiction and reversal of physically debilitating neurodegenerative disorders are increased clarity of mind, better problem-solving ability, improved focus and concentration, increased energy, improvement in mood, better sleep, and decreased anxiety levels. In addiction cases, This revolutionary treatment program is based on the voluminous work and unmatched successes in addiction and mental health recovery of the late Dr. Abram Hoffer M.D., PhD.
What is NAD Therapy?
NAD+ Therapy involves a high dose intravenous infusion of NAD+ that goes directly into the bloodstream. IV therapy allows NAD+ to bypass the digestive system for better absorption. NAD+ works rapidly to repair cells throughout the body and neurons in the brain. When your NAD+ levels are increased, your cells produce more energy, your good genes are “turned on”, DNA is repaired, and many other functions are optimized. Since NAD+ is such a powerful and prolific molecule in the body, high dose IV therapy is considered a systemic “reboot” of the body and brain which has been hailed by Harvard Medicine as being able to reverse aging markers of the brain by up to 20 years.
What Does NAD Do? Why Is It Important To Keep Levels Up?
- Has a proven track record of relieving long suffered symptoms of alcohol and drug addiction which helps every patient follow through with their desire to recover their lives
- Heals the damage that long term stress, drugs, alcohol, and environmental toxins impose on the body and brain
- Proven clinical record for dramatically improving neurodegenerative disease such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s – see the video of our patient.
- Improves sleep
- Relieves depression, anxiety and fatigue
- In brain chemistry, as NAD+ levels go down so does neurotransmitter synthesis and transfer of serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline which explains why many people begin experiencing increasing dependence on drugs and alcohol that was once recreational. It also explains why mental health issues develop and quickly progress in combination with both illegal and legal drug use because all drugs will deplete NAD+
- Gene expression: Your body has a class of proteins called sirtuins that help regulate certain metabolic pathways and genetic expressions. Sirtuins are NAD-dependent and the more sirtuin activity, the better for health and longevity. Increased sirtuin activity can help increase metabolism, decrease inflammation, extend cell life, and prevent neurodegeneration.
- Protects and repairs DNA, reducing DNA mutations which are caused from chronic bioaccumulation of biotoxins, age, drug/alcohol abuse, improper diet, stress, etc.
- Improves communication between the mitochondria (energy producing organelle in every cell) and the nucleus which enhances all cellular communication
- Enhances the utilization of nutrients and removal of waste within the cell.
- Reverses cerebral aging as well as protects the brain from aging by adding mitochondria organelles within every cell
- Strengthens the immune system
- Stimulates nitric oxide production, thereby improving blood flow in the body – this is essential for healthy brain function as the brain is a very dense network of capillaries charged with the responsibility to get blood flow to the brain. Clogged capillaries will starve out nutrients, water and oxygen which begins the oxidative stress to cell death cascade causing brain functionality to diminish.
- Reverses insulin resistance quickly when diet is corrected
- Quickly establishes healthy blood sugar regulation
- Reduces and when diet is corrected, entirely eliminates brain inflammation
- Improves physical performance and stamina
- Is considered an excellent adjuvant cancer treatment when combined with Ozone / Oxygenation treatments
We Provide A Comprehensive Treatment Model To Achieve Superior Patient Outcomes!
We Utilize an Arsenal Comprehensive Treatments That Synergistically Work To Enhance NAD’s Activity AND Which Possess Their Own Healing Value For Systemic Results & General Health!
While You Pay Less Than You Would For JUST NAD+ Treatment!
Cost Analysis Between OTC & Other Clinics Renewing Benefits Of NAD+

***Another extremely important feature that sets us apart from all the rest is that we provide approx 20 hours educating you on how to maintain the excellent health you leave with preserving your investment and provide a thorough education in healthy diet, lifestyle and organic practices. We also teach you how to avoid the sources of toxins that are the leading cause of the progression of disease.
***Other clinics sit you in front of a T.V. all day never teaching you how to maintain the results you leave with. Most of these people will back-slide into symptoms within weeks and then they will sell you a “maintenance treatment” schedule!
*** You May Add Days, However, It Is Rarely Necessary. 10 Day NAD+ Programs Are Usually Reserved For Parkinson’s & Other Neurodegenerative Diseases – We Get Better Results In 7 Days Than Other Clinics Do In 10 Day Programs They Usually Suggest.
Treatments We Offer
- EBOO Ozone Blood Purification (3 liters of blood) = 17 Major Autohemotherapies
- Hydrogen Inhalation Treatment
- PEMF – Pulse Electromagnetic Therapy – State of the Art Cell Well Technology
- NAD – Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Therapy
- IV (intraveneous) Nutritional Therapy – High Dose Vitamin C & Glutathione
- Ozone Infrared Sauna
- Organic Fermented Food & Juices
- Superfood Bioavailable Nutritional Supplementation
Major Ozone Autohemotherapy Boosts NAD+ Levels Even Higher While Helping It Get Deeper Into the Brain & All Other Organs

See the difference in the treated verses untreated blood above in a major ozone autohemotherapy session. Toxic blood is in the line going into the IV bag. Ozone Purification of the blood dramatically reduces all pathogen loads including endotoxin / biotoxin while boosting the immune system… read more

Click Here To Read About The Benefits Of Pulse Electromagnetic Frequency Therapy (PEMF) Combined With NAD+
Toxic blood in the line, after ozone treatment. EBOO Ozone Blood Purification & Autohemotherapy dramatically reduce virus, cancer cell, bacteria, chemical and endotoxin / biotoxin loads dramatically… read more
Click Here To Read About The Benefits Of The Specialty IV Nutritional Formulas, Organic Oral Superfood Supplementation, & Organic Nut Milk Based Smoothies, Organic Juices, Fermented Foods, & Bone Broth We Provide In Our NAD+ Treatment Program To Enhance Your General Health & NAD+ Uptake & Utilization!