Do You Believe Your Body Is The Temple of The Holy Spirit? Do You Believe That Many of Today’s Drugs Called Medicine & Vaccinations of Which Many Contain Aborted Fetal Cells an Act Against God?
The COVID-19 Vaccines will have nanotechnology for track and contact tracing that will be the gateway for many other uses and GENETICALLY MODIFIES YOU!
Your Health Will Be Irreversibly Compromised!
Protect Your Constitutional Rights & Join A Church (in addition to your faith based church) That Expressly Believes In These Ethics!

Freedom to Exercise Your Religous Beliefs is an American Citizen’s Right Protected by the First Amendment of the Constituion. No Government or Sinister Operated Medical Policing Can Take That Constitutional Right Away
“Honor God with your bodies.” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
Corinthians 6:19, “YOUR BODY is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God”
Our body’s belong to God and God gave us everything we need to care for their health, heal and maintain them.
Benefits of Membership
· Your minister Rev. Genita M. Mason H.H.P., N.C. will support you through whatever interference you may experience carrying out your religious beliefs regarding psychiatric drugs and vaccinations.
· You will receive a Federal Affidavit claiming your religious exemption – This is a Federal Law Affidavit. Signed by the Minister of the Church of the Temple, Rev. Genita M. Mason H.H.P., N.C.
· You will receive a legal Psychiatric Will document which prohibits anyone from forcing you on psychiatric drugs, in or out af a hospital. This legally prepared document is signed by Rev. Genita M. Mason H.H.P., N.C. We have literally extracted a few of our patients from hospitals because they had signed this form with us. If they can’t drug you, they don’t want you there.
· We will organize matching blood types within the Church of the Temple for plasma infusions of COVID-19 antibodies from those that have had it and recovered. This is ideal because members of the Church take excellent care of themselves! Believe me, you want to know whose blood you are getting, and you want to know that they follow the health bylaws of the church! Healthy, non-addicted people who do not take psych drugs!
· All Treatments are 10% off to Church members including Treatment Cycle Packages
· Teleseminars are free
· We will be setting up a members only password protected section of the Church’s website so that members have access to forms, protocols, and other members only health support info we will be providing!
***You Maintain Your Relationship With Your Current Church Temple, Synagogue, Mosque, or Tree on the Hill where you go to connect with the holy spirit!! Our Church Is Established To Provide Focus On What Most Churches Have Dismissed Or Not Taken Seriously Enough Regarding Treating Our Bodies with Reverence As It Is The Temple of Christ And The Vessel He Uses To Work Through Us.
***To Care For the Temple as it is where the Holy Spirit resides and in taking care of it we are more inspired, connected to, and able to do the work of the Holy Spirit and enjoy the benefits of its blessings!
Belief Statement
Please READ the Bylaws and Beliefs Statement in Their Entirety & If You Are Aligned With Them, Please Join! Start Up Fees of $275.00 Include Your Notarized Exemption from Vaccines Based on Religious Beliefs & Your Psychiatric Living Will Protecting You from Forced Psychiatric Drugging In a Hospital or Anywhere Else signed by Rev. Genita M. Mason, Minister of the Church of the Temple and Medical Director of the Ozone Treatment Center!
**Our Paypal, Venmo, Square (all Soros and deep state) accounts were shut down for the Church’s activism and selling COVID-19 tests so people don’t have to be tracked and traced. So Zelle or sending a check is the only way to pay membership and documentation fees. Our Zelle is If you have to send a check, please write us at that email address and we’ll send you the address.
**Legal documents and administrative fees including membership dues for all the above services and discounts is US 275.00
Join The Church of the Temple & Protect Your Right to Refuse Vaccinations & Forced Psychiatric Drugging!
“My Body Is My Temple”
“Honor God with your bodies.” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
Corinthians 6:19, “YOUR BODY is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God”
Our bodies belong to God and God gave us everything we need to care for their health, heal and maintain them.
To practice and teach non-toxic, non-addictive, and non-invasive natural medicines (God’s Medicine) to achieve and maintain the divine design which produces purity in mind and body and allows God’s spirit to flow through us and enable us to do God’s work and live the life we were meant to live.
The right to maintain our relationship with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit with a pure body and mind and refuse any medicine that we feel adulterates that relationship and denies us the spiritual awareness and connection to God that we maintain in our daily lives by wholesome living and prayer, representing God’s way.
That living in a Christian Nation we should not be persecuted, harassed or coerced for exercising our choice to use made by God and Nature medicine deemed alternative by established models but what is traditional to us.
We recognize that a clean, unadulterated temple (body) and mind is necessary to fully appreciate the spirit of God, benefit from the spirit within and do the work of God in our homes and community, we affirm that under no circumstances is any member to be forced or coerced to take psychiatric drugs or be vaccinated in any way for any reason.
To have our sovereign relationship with the Holy Spirit within and our Temples (bodies) and for that relationship to be recognized and respected by government and the medical establishment.
To teach wholesome living, and health practices not limited to, but all inclusive of alternative therapies the member chooses.
To help those in crisis with prayer, counselling, and any form of medicine, not limited to, but all inclusive of what is considered alternative therapies that detoxify the body and refreshes nutritional stores and energy that the body requires to heal and maintain the structural integrity of the divine design, which allows spirit to flow easily into and through us enabling God to work through us at our fullest potential.
Governing Principles
To pristinely, in a wholesome, natural way, maintain the Divine, Authentic Structural Integrity of our Temples (our bodies). And to teach and practice lifestyles that reduce harm to the earth, as our belief is that it is the earth that sustains our temples.
That it is our physical health and wholesome lifestyles that sustain our mental health and that any adulteration of our physical health will have a negative impact on our mental health and create a fog between us and our relationship with God within.
Perspective, which is the seed of mental health should be nourished with ones’ spirituality so that it remains in the space that is bigger than ourselves and our earthly conditions and situations.
The members of the Church of the Temple consider the use of psychiatric drugs and vaccinations which many are aborted baby fetuses soaked in a pool of various toxins an act against God and the Holy Spirit within.
While most everyone joining will have been vaccinated at some point in their lives, future vaccinations are forbidden by choice of the member. If the member chooses to be vaccinated that is entirely their choice and will be respected, however, refusal of vaccination must be respected by exemption based on religious beliefs as a core value of the Church of the Temple is a non-toxic, non-invasive, and non-addictive approach to medicine for all but blunt injury and acute organ dysfunction.
The use of psychiatric drugs if not in a hospital are forbidden to be a member of this church. Members are encouraged to and the church will do its best to provide traditional help with the use of spirit / prayer, plant medicines, love, compassion and counseling to help someone suffering all the common conditions we all sometimes experience; depression, grief, anxiety, panic attacks.
Being a member of the Church of the Temple by default claims that you disagree with roadside psychiatric drugging. If a member is admitted into a hospital they have the right to choose whether or not to take psychiatric drugs but the drug treatments must stop before they are released. Our Church members usually have signed a Psychiatric Living Will signed by their minister and themselves prohibiting forced drugging of any kind. Anything that is toxic to the body including many other treatments is not aligned with The Church of the Temple’s members and they reserve the right to refuse them under religious belief exemption.
It is believed that when one eats right, exercises, and participates in spiritual practices, they will be well and good. Life has its challenges and even the extremely healthy can experience pain, sadness and grief, especially in the loss of a loved one. It is unacceptable to treat these conditions with drugs. These natural responses to life’s painful processes is part of being human and in these moments, we strengthen our faith and continue on.
The church will not provide resources to help if the person is taking psychiatric drugs outside of a hospital unless they agree to go into treatment to detoxify from them and restore stability and their authentic physical and mental health.
If an individual is interested in joining the Church of the Temple and is on psychiatric drugs and wishes to stop them so that they may live a full, authentic, and spiritually oriented life, the Church of the Temple does offer treatment and services to help them stop. Once they have successfully stopped, they may join the Church of the Temple.
The Church encourages its members to buy or grow exclusively organic. The Church of the Temple recognizes that the use of pesticides, herbicides and other very toxic growing techniques is poisoning our bodies; however, it is also destroying our earth, that which sustains our bodies. Buying anything but organic (doesn’t need to be labeled, meet your local farmers and learn how they are growing produce they call organic) is sustaining an industry that is causing pain and suffering worldwide; poisoning animals, killing the bees, and polluting soil.
GMO is absolutely forbidden. It changes the structure or “blueprint” of our Temple and leaves it vulnerable to what we consider evil interference and intentions. We also warn our members that there are plans to put vaccines in food making conventional, non-organic food sources even more forbidden.
Eating meat from tortured animals (conventional farms) is forbidden. Only meat that is humanely raised in an organic environment and fed organic food should be consumed. We wish to alleviate the suffering on the planet.
The Church of the Temple also encourages its members to store 2 years of food and use water filters that are rated for non-potable use, so that in the event of an emergency caused by an act of God or Man, they can sustain themselves wholesomely and not be forced into eating those things known to destroy the Temple.
Our bodies are vessels of God and should be respected as such in all ways. We are a Christian Country and these are directives provided in multiple places of the new and old testaments. We shall abide by them and being a Christian Nation, our choice to do so should be respected.
Rev. Genita M. Mason H.H.P., N.C.
The Church of the Temple
Austin, Texas
Do You Believe Your Body Is The Temple of The Holy Spirit? Do You Believe That Many of Today’s Drugs Called Medicine & Vaccinations of Which Many Contain Aborted Fetal Cells an Act Against God?
The COVID-19 Vaccines will have nanotechnology for track and contact tracing that will be the gateway for many other uses and GENETICALLY MODIFIES YOU!
Your Health Will Be Irreversibly Compromised!
Protect Your Constitutional Rights & Join A Church (in addition to your faith based church) That Expressly Believes In These Ethics!

Freedom to Exercise Your Religous Beliefs is an American Citizen’s Right Protected by the First Amendment of the Constituion. No Government or Sinister Operated Medical Policing Can Take That Constitutional Right Away
Freedom to Exercise Your Religous Beliefs is an American Citizen’s Right Protected by the First Amendment of the Constituion. No Government or Sinister Operated Medical Policing Can Take That Constitutional Right Away
“Honor God with your bodies.” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
“Honor God with your bodies.” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
Corinthians 6:19, “YOUR BODY is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God”
Corinthians 6:19, “YOUR BODY is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God”
Our body’s belong to God and God gave us everything we need to care for their health, heal and maintain them.
Our body’s belong to God and God gave us everything we need to care for their health, heal and maintain them.
Benefits of Membership
Benefits of Membership
· Your minister Rev. Genita M. Mason H.H.P., N.C. will support you through whatever interference you may experience carrying out your religious beliefs regarding psychiatric drugs and vaccinations.
· You will receive a Federal Affidavit claiming your religious exemption – This is a Federal Law Affidavit. Signed by the Minister of the Church of the Temple, Rev. Genita M. Mason H.H.P., N.C.
· You will receive a legal Psychiatric Will document which prohibits anyone from forcing you on psychiatric drugs, in or out af a hospital. This legally prepared document is signed by Rev. Genita M. Mason H.H.P., N.C. We have literally extracted a few of our patients from hospitals because they had signed this form with us. If they can’t drug you, they don’t want you there.
· We will organize matching blood types within the Church of the Temple for plasma infusions of COVID-19 antibodies from those that have had it and recovered. This is ideal because members of the Church take excellent care of themselves! Believe me, you want to know whose blood you are getting, and you want to know that they follow the health bylaws of the church! Healthy, non-addicted people who do not take psych drugs!
· All Treatments are 10% off to Church members including Treatment Cycle Packages
· Teleseminars are free
· We will be setting up a members only password protected section of the Church’s website so that members have access to forms, protocols, and other members only health support info we will be providing!
***You Maintain Your Relationship With Your Current Church Temple, Synagogue, Mosque, or Tree on the Hill where you go to connect with the holy spirit!! Our Church Is Established To Provide Focus On What Most Churches Have Dismissed Or Not Taken Seriously Enough Regarding Treating Our Bodies with Reverence As It Is The Temple of Christ And The Vessel He Uses To Work Through Us.
***To Care For the Temple as it is where the Holy Spirit resides and in taking care of it we are more inspired, connected to, and able to do the work of the Holy Spirit and enjoy the benefits of its blessings!
Belief Statement
Please READ the Bylaws and Beliefs Statement in Their Entirety & If You Are Aligned With Them, Please Join! Start Up Fees of $275.00 Include Your Notarized Exemption from Vaccines Based on Religious Beliefs & Your Psychiatric Living Will Protecting You from Forced Psychiatric Drugging In a Hospital or Anywhere Else signed by Rev. Genita M. Mason, Minister of the Church of the Temple and Medical Director of the Ozone Treatment Center!
**Our Paypal, Venmo, Square (all Soros and deep state) accounts were shut down for the Church’s activism and selling COVID-19 tests so people don’t have to be tracked and traced. So Zelle or sending a check is the only way to pay membership and documentation fees. Our Zelle is If you have to send a check, please write us at that email address and we’ll send you the address.
**Legal documents and administrative fees including membership dues for all the above services and discounts is US 275.00
Join The Church of the Temple & Protect Your Right to Refuse Vaccinations & Forced Psychiatric Drugging!
“My Body Is My Temple”
“Honor God with your bodies.” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
Corinthians 6:19, “YOUR BODY is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God”
Our bodies belong to God and God gave us everything we need to care for their health, heal and maintain them.
To practice and teach non-toxic, non-addictive, and non-invasive natural medicines (God’s Medicine) to achieve and maintain the divine design which produces purity in mind and body and allows God’s spirit to flow through us and enable us to do God’s work and live the life we were meant to live.
The right to maintain our relationship with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit with a pure body and mind and refuse any medicine that we feel adulterates that relationship and denies us the spiritual awareness and connection to God that we maintain in our daily lives by wholesome living and prayer, representing God’s way.
That living in a Christian Nation we should not be persecuted, harassed or coerced for exercising our choice to use made by God and Nature medicine deemed alternative by established models but what is traditional to us.
We recognize that a clean, unadulterated temple (body) and mind is necessary to fully appreciate the spirit of God, benefit from the spirit within and do the work of God in our homes and community, we affirm that under no circumstances is any member to be forced or coerced to take psychiatric drugs or be vaccinated in any way for any reason.
To have our sovereign relationship with the Holy Spirit within and our Temples (bodies) and for that relationship to be recognized and respected by government and the medical establishment.
To teach wholesome living, and health practices not limited to, but all inclusive of alternative therapies the member chooses.
To help those in crisis with prayer, counselling, and any form of medicine, not limited to, but all inclusive of what is considered alternative therapies that detoxify the body and refreshes nutritional stores and energy that the body requires to heal and maintain the structural integrity of the divine design, which allows spirit to flow easily into and through us enabling God to work through us at our fullest potential.
Governing Principles
To pristinely, in a wholesome, natural way, maintain the Divine, Authentic Structural Integrity of our Temples (our bodies). And to teach and practice lifestyles that reduce harm to the earth, as our belief is that it is the earth that sustains our temples.
That it is our physical health and wholesome lifestyles that sustain our mental health and that any adulteration of our physical health will have a negative impact on our mental health and create a fog between us and our relationship with God within.
Perspective, which is the seed of mental health should be nourished with ones’ spirituality so that it remains in the space that is bigger than ourselves and our earthly conditions and situations.
The members of the Church of the Temple consider the use of psychiatric drugs and vaccinations which many are aborted baby fetuses soaked in a pool of various toxins an act against God and the Holy Spirit within.
While most everyone joining will have been vaccinated at some point in their lives, future vaccinations are forbidden by choice of the member. If the member chooses to be vaccinated that is entirely their choice and will be respected, however, refusal of vaccination must be respected by exemption based on religious beliefs as a core value of the Church of the Temple is a non-toxic, non-invasive, and non-addictive approach to medicine for all but blunt injury and acute organ dysfunction.
The use of psychiatric drugs if not in a hospital are forbidden to be a member of this church. Members are encouraged to and the church will do its best to provide traditional help with the use of spirit / prayer, plant medicines, love, compassion and counseling to help someone suffering all the common conditions we all sometimes experience; depression, grief, anxiety, panic attacks.
Being a member of the Church of the Temple by default claims that you disagree with roadside psychiatric drugging. If a member is admitted into a hospital they have the right to choose whether or not to take psychiatric drugs but the drug treatments must stop before they are released. Our Church members usually have signed a Psychiatric Living Will signed by their minister and themselves prohibiting forced drugging of any kind. Anything that is toxic to the body including many other treatments is not aligned with The Church of the Temple’s members and they reserve the right to refuse them under religious belief exemption.
It is believed that when one eats right, exercises, and participates in spiritual practices, they will be well and good. Life has its challenges and even the extremely healthy can experience pain, sadness and grief, especially in the loss of a loved one. It is unacceptable to treat these conditions with drugs. These natural responses to life’s painful processes is part of being human and in these moments, we strengthen our faith and continue on.
The church will not provide resources to help if the person is taking psychiatric drugs outside of a hospital unless they agree to go into treatment to detoxify from them and restore stability and their authentic physical and mental health.
If an individual is interested in joining the Church of the Temple and is on psychiatric drugs and wishes to stop them so that they may live a full, authentic, and spiritually oriented life, the Church of the Temple does offer treatment and services to help them stop. Once they have successfully stopped, they may join the Church of the Temple.
The Church encourages its members to buy or grow exclusively organic. The Church of the Temple recognizes that the use of pesticides, herbicides and other very toxic growing techniques is poisoning our bodies; however, it is also destroying our earth, that which sustains our bodies. Buying anything but organic (doesn’t need to be labeled, meet your local farmers and learn how they are growing produce they call organic) is sustaining an industry that is causing pain and suffering worldwide; poisoning animals, killing the bees, and polluting soil.
GMO is absolutely forbidden. It changes the structure or “blueprint” of our Temple and leaves it vulnerable to what we consider evil interference and intentions. We also warn our members that there are plans to put vaccines in food making conventional, non-organic food sources even more forbidden.
Eating meat from tortured animals (conventional farms) is forbidden. Only meat that is humanely raised in an organic environment and fed organic food should be consumed. We wish to alleviate the suffering on the planet.
The Church of the Temple also encourages its members to store 2 years of food and use water filters that are rated for non-potable use, so that in the event of an emergency caused by an act of God or Man, they can sustain themselves wholesomely and not be forced into eating those things known to destroy the Temple.
Our bodies are vessels of God and should be respected as such in all ways. We are a Christian Country and these are directives provided in multiple places of the new and old testaments. We shall abide by them and being a Christian Nation, our choice to do so should be respected.
Rev. Genita M. Mason H.H.P., N.C.
The Church of the Temple
Austin, Texas
· Your minister Rev. Genita M. Mason H.H.P., N.C. will support you through whatever interference you may experience carrying out your religious beliefs regarding psychiatric drugs and vaccinations.
· You will receive a Federal Affidavit claiming your religious exemption – This is a Federal Law Affidavit. Signed by the Minister of the Church of the Temple, Rev. Genita M. Mason H.H.P., N.C.
· You will receive a legal Psychiatric Will document which prohibits anyone from forcing you on psychiatric drugs, in or out af a hospital. This legally prepared document is signed by Rev. Genita M. Mason H.H.P., N.C. We have literally extracted a few of our patients from hospitals because they had signed this form with us. If they can’t drug you, they don’t want you there.
· We will organize matching blood types within the Church of the Temple for plasma infusions of COVID-19 antibodies from those that have had it and recovered. This is ideal because members of the Church take excellent care of themselves! Believe me, you want to know whose blood you are getting, and you want to know that they follow the health bylaws of the church! Healthy, non-addicted people who do not take psych drugs!
· All Treatments are 10% off to Church members including Treatment Cycle Packages
· Teleseminars are free
· We will be setting up a members only password protected section of the Church’s website so that members have access to forms, protocols, and other members only health support info we will be providing!
***You Maintain Your Relationship With Your Current Church Temple, Synagogue, Mosque, or Tree on the Hill where you go to connect with the holy spirit!! Our Church Is Established To Provide Focus On What Most Churches Have Dismissed Or Not Taken Seriously Enough Regarding Treating Our Bodies with Reverence As It Is The Temple of Christ And The Vessel He Uses To Work Through Us.
***To Care For the Temple as it is where the Holy Spirit resides and in taking care of it we are more inspired, connected to, and able to do the work of the Holy Spirit and enjoy the benefits of its blessings!
Belief Statement
Please READ the Bylaws and Beliefs Statement in Their Entirety & If You Are Aligned With Them, Please Join! Start Up Fees of $275.00 Include Your Notarized Exemption from Vaccines Based on Religious Beliefs & Your Psychiatric Living Will Protecting You from Forced Psychiatric Drugging In a Hospital or Anywhere Else signed by Rev. Genita M. Mason, Minister of the Church of the Temple and Medical Director of the Ozone Treatment Center!
Join The Church of the Temple & Protect Your Right to Refuse Vaccinations & Forced Psychiatric Drugging!
“My Body Is My Temple”
“Honor God with your bodies.” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
Our bodies belong to God and God gave us everything we need to care for their health, heal and maintain them.
To practice and teach non-toxic, non-addictive, and non-invasive natural medicines (God’s Medicine) to achieve and maintain the divine design which produces purity in mind and body and allows God’s spirit to flow through us and enable us to do God’s work and live the life we were meant to live.
The right to maintain our relationship with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit with a pure body and mind and refuse any medicine that we feel adulterates that relationship and denies us the spiritual awareness and connection to God that we maintain in our daily lives by wholesome living and prayer, representing God’s way.
That living in a Christian Nation we should not be persecuted, harassed or coerced for exercising our choice to use made by God and Nature medicine deemed alternative by established models but what is traditional to us.
We recognize that a clean, unadulterated temple (body) and mind is necessary to fully appreciate the spirit of God, benefit from the spirit within and do the work of God in our homes and community, we affirm that under no circumstances is any member to be forced or coerced to take psychiatric drugs or be vaccinated in any way for any reason.
To have our sovereign relationship with the Holy Spirit within and our Temples (bodies) and for that relationship to be recognized and respected by government and the medical establishment.
To teach wholesome living, and health practices not limited to, but all inclusive of alternative therapies the member chooses.
To help those in crisis with prayer, counselling, and any form of medicine, not limited to, but all inclusive of what is considered alternative therapies that detoxify the body and refreshes nutritional stores and energy that the body requires to heal and maintain the structural integrity of the divine design, which allows spirit to flow easily into and through us enabling God to work through us at our fullest potential.
Governing Principles
To pristinely, in a wholesome, natural way, maintain the Divine, Authentic Structural Integrity of our Temples (our bodies). And to teach and practice lifestyles that reduce harm to the earth, as our belief is that it is the earth that sustains our temples.
That it is our physical health and wholesome lifestyles that sustain our mental health and that any adulteration of our physical health will have a negative impact on our mental health and create a fog between us and our relationship with God within.
Perspective, which is the seed of mental health should be nourished with ones’ spirituality so that it remains in the space that is bigger than ourselves and our earthly conditions and situations.
The members of the Church of the Temple consider the use of psychiatric drugs and vaccinations which many are aborted baby fetuses soaked in a pool of various toxins an act against God and the Holy Spirit within.
While most everyone joining will have been vaccinated at some point in their lives, future vaccinations are forbidden by choice of the member. If the member chooses to be vaccinated that is entirely their choice and will be respected, however, refusal of vaccination must be respected by exemption based on religious beliefs as a core value of the Church of the Temple is a non-toxic, non-invasive, and non-addictive approach to medicine for all but blunt injury and acute organ dysfunction.
The use of psychiatric drugs if not in a hospital are forbidden to be a member of this church. Members are encouraged to and the church will do its best to provide traditional help with the use of spirit / prayer, plant medicines, love, compassion and counseling to help someone suffering all the common conditions we all sometimes experience; depression, grief, anxiety, panic attacks.
Being a member of the Church of the Temple by default claims that you disagree with roadside psychiatric drugging. If a member is admitted into a hospital they have the right to choose whether or not to take psychiatric drugs but the drug treatments must stop before they are released. Our Church members usually have signed a Psychiatric Living Will signed by their minister and themselves prohibiting forced drugging of any kind. Anything that is toxic to the body including many other treatments is not aligned with The Church of the Temple’s members and they reserve the right to refuse them under religious belief exemption.
It is believed that when one eats right, exercises, and participates in spiritual practices, they will be well and good. Life has its challenges and even the extremely healthy can experience pain, sadness and grief, especially in the loss of a loved one. It is unacceptable to treat these conditions with drugs. These natural responses to life’s painful processes is part of being human and in these moments, we strengthen our faith and continue on.
The church will not provide resources to help if the person is taking psychiatric drugs outside of a hospital unless they agree to go into treatment to detoxify from them and restore stability and their authentic physical and mental health.
If an individual is interested in joining the Church of the Temple and is on psychiatric drugs and wishes to stop them so that they may live a full, authentic, and spiritually oriented life, the Church of the Temple does offer treatment and services to help them stop. Once they have successfully stopped, they may join the Church of the Temple.
The Church encourages its members to buy or grow exclusively organic. The Church of the Temple recognizes that the use of pesticides, herbicides and other very toxic growing techniques is poisoning our bodies; however, it is also destroying our earth, that which sustains our bodies. Buying anything but organic (doesn’t need to be labeled, meet your local farmers and learn how they are growing produce they call organic) is sustaining an industry that is causing pain and suffering worldwide; poisoning animals, killing the bees, and polluting soil.
GMO is absolutely forbidden. It changes the structure or “blueprint” of our Temple and leaves it vulnerable to what we consider evil interference and intentions. We also warn our members that there are plans to put vaccines in food making conventional, non-organic food sources even more forbidden.
Eating meat from tortured animals (conventional farms) is forbidden. Only meat that is humanely raised in an organic environment and fed organic food should be consumed. We wish to alleviate the suffering on the planet.
The Church of the Temple also encourages its members to store 2 years of food and use water filters that are rated for non-potable use, so that in the event of an emergency caused by an act of God or Man, they can sustain themselves wholesomely and not be forced into eating those things known to destroy the Temple.
Our bodies are vessels of God and should be respected as such in all ways. We are a Christian Country and these are directives provided in multiple places of the new and old testaments. We shall abide by them and being a Christian Nation, our choice to do so should be respected.
Rev. Genita M. Mason H.H.P., N.C.
The Church of the Temple
Austin, Texas