Chemtrail Bioengineering
Detoxification & Chelation of
Deadly GeoEngineering
Genita M. Mason H.H.P., N.C. ~ . Medical Director, The Biosanctuary

“Chemtrails” is the term used for those long white trails of jet spray that you see which crisscross in the sky (inconsistent with commercial flight paths[mh1] ) and are proven to be a product of planes spraying aluminum, barium and strontium (among many other things) into the atmosphere. These metals are toxic to humans (all life) and are bioaccumulative; meaning they are stored in organ tissues – such as the brain and liver – and cause associated symptoms to get progressively worse while setting the stage for the many diseases they are collectively linked to. Possibly one of the best exposes of this fact is the documentary “What in the World are They Spraying? which interviews a Senator, a few scientists, G. Edward Griffin; former Mayor of Belgium, Peter Vereecke, and organic farmers in Hawaii which provide hard evidence of toxic and adverse health conditions and soil destruction caused by the Chemtrail Spray.
Chemtrails are reportedly a multinational geo-engineering project focused on controlling the weather and reducing global warming – supposedly by spraying reflective aluminum particles in the atmosphere to minimize the heat from the sun’s light.
Beyond that, there are many theories regarding other, more concerning[mh2] intentions behind this project, much because of the toxic composition of the spray and the fact that Monsanto recently applied for the sorghum aluminum resistance gene patent which counters the effects of excess aluminum found in the soil from the chemspray.
The perpetrators of the is toxic pollution are being accused of everything from using the technology to cause widespread population sterilization, disease, the ability to control the food supply, and nanotechnology being sprayed into the atmosphere to infect people and serve as population control, to warfare mechanisms concerning radar and electromagnetic frequency controls ‘piggy backing’ on the front of the weather control story. Many people following the Chemtrail issue are connecting it to NASA’s Project Blue Beam which is reportedly a coercion scheme created by the New World Order to use the atmosphere as a holographic medium to portray images of alien invasions or Jesus’ return to effect a large scale global population submission to whatever message of “help” the new Antichrist purports and compliance with its objectives.[B3]
It is not my place nor intention in this article to debate possible hidden agendas of the progenitors of this deadly geo-engineering project. It is my intention to report the toxic effects on human and other life systems (including plant and soil) and help people detox and protect themselves from its known adverse health effects. As a research scientist, biochemist and environmental medicine healthcare practitioner that witnesses the direct health effects of toxic environmental, food and water chemicals, metals, bacterial, viral and parasitic toxicities in my clients, it is my place to report their routes of exposure and offer those concerned solutions for detoxifying them, identifying the routes of exposure and eliminating them And then protecting their health and that of their loved ones thereafter by providing daily defense strategies that will help reduce or stop the bioaccumulation which leads to symptoms and disease. That is exactly what I’m going to do in this article – report what has been found in the Chemtrail Spray areas, how it is getting into you and negatively affecting not only your health, but that of the global population of humans, animals and our planet; and how to thoroughly detoxify the offending toxicants, ergo, what we call getting “Clean & Green”. I will also provide advice on how to protect your clean and green body by using products daily that will inhibit the absorption of Chemtrail byproducts such as aluminum, barium and strontium.[mh4]
I am personally active in educating people about this irresponsible act of business and government to help end this biological disaster inflicted upon the planet and us and urge you to be the same. Do not simply sit in cafes and talk about it– be a part of the solution – get active. You can also be a part of the solution by creating your own health – Your body and this planet are both bio-organisms that need non-toxic conditions to survive and thrive. The ONLY difference between the two of us as a living, animated form of life that operates structurally very similarly in many ways is that we need the raw materials produced by Earth for the last 3 million years that our protein machines we call our bodies use to function in the way nature designed them to function – The planet does not need us – except to undo the toxic torture and death of our home we are inflicting. And if we don’t, the planet will get rid of us long before it sprouts its last blade of grass!
Chemtrail spraying is an international government and geo-engineering business collaborative that is bypassing research to establish the safety of the project and we humans are left to essentially take care of ourselves while we are exposed to the known health risks associated with the spray’s contents.
In order to do that, we need to know and act on these points:
What has been proven to be in the Chemtrail spray
Aluminum is a neuro/excitotoxic soft metal which is very damaging to the organs of living beings and when released into the atmosphere and soil.
Barium is a soft silvery neurotoxic metallic earth metal. Soluble barium compounds are poisonous due to release of the soluble barium ion, and have been used as rodenticides. When barium is vaporized in space, within seconds much of the barium becomes ionized by the sun’s rays.
Strontium is an alkaline earth metallic chemical element found in great abundance in mineral compounds all over the planet. It is perhaps most famous in the form of strontium 90, a radioactive isotope which is a byproduct of nuclear fission. Strontium 90 was one of the major pollutants from the Chernobyl nuclear accident in the Ukraine in 1986.
It has been reported that nuclear fallout such as from Fukushima will decay into barium and strontium adding to that of the Chemtrails being released into the atmosphere. Conspiracy theorists promote that (with military papers as evidence) this will be used to project 3D holograms discussed above. See[B5] . [B6] Also you can Google “Project Blue Beam” and come up with your own conclusions from the evidence. This link provides extensive science regarding Chemtrails. is a very active site as well on the subject.
Health risks associated with Chemtrail products
AluminIum bioaccumulates in the tissues of organs. Its most famous claim to disease fame is its link to Alzheimer’s. Aluminum is a conductor and your brain is full of chemicals with positive and negative charges. Aluminum causes neurons to fire excessively and therefor die faster. Much like the liver uses fat to wrap around parasites and bacteria in an attempt to protect itself from invaders, the brain does the same in the case of bioaccumulation of aluminum by creating a type of hard “plaque” and wrapping it around the invasive metal, however, this causes blockages of nutrition and oxygen therefor cells, tissues and eventually brain centers die or stop functioning.
Aluminum magnifies the electromagnetic frequencies that some individuals are sensitive to and all people are negatively affected by if they do or don’t display symptoms. It is damaging to soil because it increases pH therefor the ability to grow food and other plants and trees. It also diminishes nutrient content. Aluminum has absolutely no function in the human body, it only causes a nutritional tax on the body to try and protect itself from it and remove it, which is not easily done without chelation therapy. Aluminum has a half-life of decades! Acid rain caused one of the first toxic exposures to plant and animal life, now Chemtrails have taken first place as the most potent route of exposure.
Aluminum toxicity suppresses PTH from the parathyroid causing hypo-parathyroidism. Aluminum absorption is enhanced in the presence of elevated parathyroid hormone. In addition, elevated PTH leads to the preferential deposition of aluminum in brain, parathyroid and bone. Consequently, PTH is likely to be involved in the pathogenesis of toxicities in those organs.
Aluminum body burden [mh7] causes fatty degeneration of the liver and kidneys.
Because aluminum is a conductor and displaces necessary minerals such as magnesium it can cause anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks, restlessness, and enhanced perception of stress.
Barium: The soluble salts of barium are toxic in mammalian systems. They are absorbed rapidly from the gastrointestinal tract and are deposited in the muscles, lungs, and bone. Barium is excreted primarily in the feces, Symptoms of exposure and accumulation are breathing difficulties, increased blood pressure, heart rhythm changes, stomach irritation, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, muscle weakness, alterations in nerve reflexes, damage to the brain, liver, kidney and heart. Death.
Strontium: Cancer. Strontium mimics calcium in the body and becomes concentrated in calcified tissues such as bones and teeth. If ingested in quantities of about a thousand times higher than doses we all receive from natural radiation, Sr-90 is known to increase the risk of bone cancer and leukemia.
Routes of exposure into humans and animals
Aluminum: *Chemtrails *Produce grown in aluminum contaminated soil *Water *Psychiatric drugs and other pharmaceuticals *Vaccines *Food & beverage containers *Cookware * OTC drugs *Antacids *Anti-perspirants and other personal hygiene products * Drying agents * Hemodialysis * Cosmetics * Processed foods.
Note: Fluoride is known to help transport aluminum into cells and over the blood brain barrier causing a greater amount to be delivered into and stored in the cell tissues thus advancing oxidative stress and chronic health issues.
Barium: *Chemtrails *Soaps *Ceramics *Paper *Glass *Plastics *Textiles *Dyes *Fuel additives *Rubber *Paint *Pesticides.
Strontium: *Chemtrails (air) *Soil, water *Nuclear fallout and weapons testing. Please see[mh8] [B9]
How are Chemtrails affecting our food supply
High amounts of aluminum in soil causes it to become more alkaline which makes it difficult if not impossible to grow food. People are reporting trees, produce and other living things dying rapidly on their property with Chemtrails being the suspect as the soil tested is abnormally extremely high.
This means that our food supply is being negatively affected both in quantity and quality as the aluminum is absorbed into produce and is ingested by those who eat it.
How to detox from Chemtrail products
Shilajit [mh10] reputedly facilitates the chelation of aluminum, barium, strontium and other toxic metals due to its fulvic acid content. More research is necessary, however, it is very promising and due to its many other health attributes including its adaptogenic properties it certainly couldn’t hurt in these stressful times!
Aluminum: naEDTA IV Chelation. high Dose Vitamin C, Deferoxamine, Malic Acid, Magnesium Chloride, Magnesium Sulfate (potent Epsom Salt Baths)
Barium: naEDTA IV Chelation. Algin (Kelp) is effective in eliminating Barium from the colon.
Strontium: Aluminum hydroxide* Barium sulfate* Sodium alginate* Calcium phosphate
Strontium lactate* Strontium gluconate*
Inhalation: Calcium gluconate* Barium sulfate[mh11] *
See Radiation Emergency Medical Management at for a complete listing of isotopes and their countermeasures.
How to protect yourself from daily exposures after your metal & chemical detox
Generally, you should have apple pectin either from apples or capsules sold in stores; cilantro, chlorella, potassium idodide (2 drops of Lugol’s 2%), and garlic in your green juice daily and Zeolite (bentonite clay) taken twice daily on an empty stomach. 12 grams average of Sodium Ascorbate (pH neutral vitamin C), 400mcg selenium, 4 Grams pantothenic acid[mh12]
Aluminum: Silicon and Calcium Pyruvate daily[mh13] .
Barium: Orthomolecular daily dosages of potassium is a good defense as it will help the body resist absorbing Barium. Magnesium sulfate (250 mg/kg up to 30 g maximum single dose)[mh14] to reduce the absorption of barium from the gastrointestinal tract.
Strontium: Algin (Kelp) has been demonstrated to resist the absorption of Strontium 90. (Dr. Yukio Tanaka of the Gastrointestinal Research Lab at McGill University.)[mh15]
What You Can Do:
1) Visit the Stop Chemtrails in California website at and organize one for your area / country! Visit the Australia reports here: Google “chemtrails in Australia” or wherever you live and get active in testing your area and helping to illegalize the poisonous spraying.
2) Get bioaccumulated toxic metals and essential minerals tested. In Australia HealthScope does Toxic Elements screens. However, you will have to ask them how you can get Barium and Strontium added. Be sure to challenge the test with EDTA. You can contact us at to learn how to do this.
3) Study your options in this article and put together a Chemtrail detox protocol that matches your level of exposure.
4) Eliminate all voluntary routes of exposure and discontinue use of all products made by chemical companies.
5) Purchase an indoor air filters to help reduce your exposure.
Genita M. Mason H.H.P., N.C., M.H., Founder & Medical Director, Shangri-La Organic Retreat & Health Spa: A Green Body & Mind Healing Center, is a Nutritional Biochemist and Licensed Healthcare Provider. She is the author of four books in the field of addiction and orthomolecular neurochemical rehabilitation for legal/illegal drug addiction. Alcoholism: The Cause & The Cure was endorsed with a foreword written by the legendary late Dr. Abram Hoffer, M.D., PhD.
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